Expert Advice on all Aspects of Sewing

There are all sorts of reasons for wanting to learn to sew. You might want to make your own clothes, create attractive furnishings for your home, or simply patch up and repair old items to give them new life. Here at Start Sewing, our aim is to help you master the basics and move on to a range of exciting projects.

How You Can Save Money by Sewing

When money is tight, there’s no better way to save money than knowing how to do things for yourself. It’s here that sewing really comes into its own as a practical life skill. But many people remain unaware of the sheer variety of ways in which sewing can help you …

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sewing interview

How I Learned to Sew: Interview

People become involved with sewing in many different ways and for many different reasons. Helen Beaumont from Glasgow, who still considers herself to be a beginner, told us her story. “I’ve always been quite interested in sewing,” says Helen, who did embroidery on Friday afternoons at high school and who …

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sewing costumes

Sewing Costumes: A Creative Experience

Sewing costumes can be one of the most exciting things to do with your sewing skills, continually presenting interesting challenges and producing results that you can have lots of fun with. We talked to Marianne Wells, a keen costume-maker with over ten years’ experience creating fantasy based historical dress for …

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Sewing Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Sewing?

If you’ve read a lot of the articles on these pages, you probably think you’re pretty knowledgeable about sewing, so why not put your knowledge to the test in this fun Sewing Quiz? 1. The thread keeps breaking on your sewing machine. You’re sure it’s threaded correctly, the bobbins are …

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What Type of Fabric Should I Use With Velour?

Lining stretchy fabric such as Velour is always difficult. The trick is to find a backing fabric that stretches in the same directions and to about the same extent. Because velour is a woven material and stretches in all directions, you need to choose something with a similar weave. These …

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sew cuffs

How to Sew Cuffs

To make smart, stylish long-sleeved garments, it’s important to know how to sew cuffs. There are several ways to approach making cuffs depending on the style of the garment you’re making and the fabric you’re using. You may need a bit of practice to get the hang of them, but …

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Choosing the Right Thread

When you first enter a sewing supply shop you may be amazed by the range of threads there are to choose from. It’s difficult for a beginner to know what to choose. For basic sewing it doesn’t matter too much, but when you start working with more challenging fabrics, or …

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How to Make Cushions and Pillows

Making cushions and pillows is a great way to add character to your home. It lets you develop your own style without depending on what you can find in the shops. But sewing cushions and pillows that will last, is trickier than many people realise. It’s important to know what …

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Beadwork and sewing

If you’ve paid any attention to fashion over the past few years, you’ll have noticed beadwork making a big comeback. It’s used to decorate tops, dresses and jackets, to create pretty ornamental bags and to add a glamorous touch to home furnishings. So what do you need to know to …

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How to Make a Hat

Few fashion items say more about us than hats. They’re also great things to make for practical reasons, to keep out the cold or shade us from the sun. Beginners to sewing often shy away from them, thinking they must be far too difficult. Whilst some types of hats do …

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